Saturday, May 7, 2022

Since in "Radu Lupu (1945-2022), part 2" we'll be hearing both sets of Schubert impromptus, maybe this'll help get us in the mood

A meditative (rather than apocalyptic) Vladimir Horowitz plays
the haunting Schubert G-flat major Impromptu, D. 899, No. 3
the Grosser Saal of the Vienna Musikverein, May 1987
) (Watch on YouTube)

by Ken

A YouTube commenter, while regretting that English isn't his first language, nevertheless conjures quite an image: "He doesn’t seem like playing the piano, seems like he’s just petting it and the piano speaks by itself as if a cat purrs when it is petted." (Except that this cat's rapturous purr can mount to the most gloriously thundering roar.)

Did I mention that Horowitz was 83 at the time of the Vienna concert video?

By now you're probably almost as tired of hearing it as I am of saying it, but it continues to drive me nuts that since the last overhaul of the Blogspot software ("Us at Google is prouda how we ain't got nobody hereabouts with the bittiest bitta brains") I don't have a way of hearing the audio clips for a post in their post-ular context until I actually post a post. So while I was fiddling with the continuation of "Radu Lupu (1945-2022)," after making this clip and imagining a possible way of incorporating, I needed to see-and-hear it, and so, as I sometimes do, I went ahead and threw it up, intending to take it right down as soon as I had seen-and-heard it.

Only -- and I put it to you -- is it possible, once this is posted, to take it down?

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